Our website is proven and tested to provide practice tests that will help healthcare professionals to ace their prometric exam and secure their license in Qatar. You can get study materials from us.
The organization whose exam you took determines how and when results are reported. In other situations, such as with many tests in information technology, results are provided right away, so test takers can find out whether they passed before leaving the testing facility. In other instances, the testing company requests that Prometric submit results to […]
Data flow for QCHP will make sure that every applicant’s information is true and valid. Papers required for data flow Bachelor certificate Last qualification certificate Last training year certificate Experience certificate Licence to practice medicine CV copy
There are step-by-step guides to apply for the QCHP Prometric Exam. Success in Prometric exam The exam is about 1 hour and after finishing it , you can know the results on the same day . The exam is difficult and requires preparation and studying hard to be able to overcome it. Success degree […]
Like any other type of prometric exam, the Qatar Prometric Exam is for those healthcare professionals who want to work in Qatar. The exam must be passed to be qualified.