Yes, all medical professionals can apply to the DHA exam application as long as they meet all the requirements and qualifications needed for the exam application.
The DHA exam can be processed online, and candidates don’t need to visit Dubai and apply personally to the licensing authority to process their DHA exam application.
Two Dataflow status results may be indicated on a candidates’ Dataflow report: either positive or negative. The positive result showed that the candidates’ professional credentials were authenticated, while the negative result demonstrated that the candidates’ credentials were not authentic or the contact details of the institution they submitted for verification were inaccessible.
NHRA DataFlow case number is a unique system reference number generated once an initial quality check of the candidate’s Primary Source Verification (PSV) application is complete.
NHRA Dataflow report can transfer and reciprocate to other Middle East licensure applications such as HAAD, DHA, OMSB, MOPH, and MOH dataflow reports and vice versa. If a candidate already has a Dataflow report is issued to the stated exam application above, then it can be processed along with the accounts and proof of documents of the candidate’s Dataflow report.
The Express Service will expedite the candidate’s document verification from the DataFlow group standard application turnaround time to as fast as 14 working days.
Absolutely not, all relevant details and documents must be submitted at the time of the candidate’s application.
The standard time frame for completing the candidate’s PSV application for Bahrain is 30- 60 working days. Still, the processing time per application may differ depending on the location or the origin where the documents came from.
Recent changes to privacy regulations require the DataFlow Group to purge customer data after a prescribed period. This means that Dataflow can no longer store their data and verified DataFlow Group report indefinitely. TrueProfile is a convenient online solution where candidates can securely store all of their positively verified DataFlow Group reports they need to access, download or share them in the future.
NHRA Dataflow report has no validity but still may be subject to an update depending on its issued date.