Yes, all medical professionals can apply to the HAAD exam application as long as they meet all the requirements and qualifications needed for the exam application.
The HAAD exam can be processed online, and candidates don’t need to visit Abu Dhabi and apply personally to the licensing authority to process their HAAD exam application.
Pearson vue has different test centers internationally. Candidates from various countries worldwide will be able to register schedule, and sit for the exams in their home countries or the nearest testing site available for examination.
DOH Abu Dhabi Dataflow report can transfer and reciprocate to other Middle East licensure applications such as DHA, OMSB, MOPH, MOH, and NHRA dataflow reports and even vice versa. If a candidate already has a Dataflow report issued to the stated exam application above, then it can be processed along with the accounts and proof of documents of the candidate’s Dataflow report.
USRNs and ASCPi with an active license (not expired or lapsed) are eligible for the DOH exam exemption. Once the candidate’s DOH Abu Dhabi exam exemption is approved, then the candidate’s new employer can link them to the DOH Abu Dhabi for their license issuance.
No, the HAAD examinations are only available in English.
Candidates may access their official exam results using the corresponding HAAD login details given to them.
No, candidates who hold a Diploma of Masters in Nursing (MAN) are not exempted in the exam and are still required to take and pass the HAAD exam.
There are two HAAD exam results, either pass or fail only. There will be no examination scores, or exam certificates issued regardless of whether the candidate passed or failed the examination.